Monday, August 12, 2024

Bald Faced Hornets

Ronnie was trimming the dead limbs off of one of the trees and found what looked to me like a paper wasps nest, but when we looked closer they were black.

Here is a back shot, at first glance, they are like a giant fly.  But look closer and you will see the stripes on the rear and the white face markings.  
Here is a shot of the face, the hornet is upside down.

I thought about hitting the nest with hornet spray, but we read that they are aggressive and smart, they will recognize a person and go after them when they walk by.  On one site Suzi was reading that there is no WITSEC protection program if you make them mad.  So I guess I will leave them alone.

Below is another hornet coming out for a profile shot. (it is hanging upside down)

Here you can see the stripes on the rear of the Hornet.

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