Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sewer update still @ #7

Guys spent a ton of time hand digging around all the wires and pipes in site #7

There is a natural Gas line between the fence and the ditch through this area also.  

Things got bogged down with all the hand digging, once they got it backfilled the power went out on the RV next to the ditch, so the guys had to had dig around and find the problem, it was a previous splice that had the problem.

  We had the electrician come by and repair it.  They back filled it before I could get a pic.

Then, our contractor had an off the job injury, we hope he will have a speedy recovery, but in the mean time his Dad is going to take over and get our job done.  
We are hoping the hard part is done, this was the area of most concern, but when digging it is always an adventure.


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