Wednesday, July 31, 2024

sewer line update - fiber optic line and power to tent village

 They guys had quite the day today, they managed to cut both the fiber optic lines for our internet for the park, and the power lines for Tent village. 

The fiber optic line is where the orange cone is in the pic below, and the power lines are in the foreground.

3Rivers came right out and put a splice in the line.  Look closely, the splice is a box on the outside of the ditch on the left.  There is a 2nd splice on the other side of the sewer ditch in the fiber ditch. It was interesting seeing how they welded the fibers that are color coded together. 

This pic is for an idea where the fiber optic line is.  The electricity line for Tent Village is up the ditch to the left.

The Electrician came by the next morning and spliced the electric wires for tent village.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

sewer update, across the road

 Ok, it is starting to look like progress.  The farthest tree (were the mobile home is) in the pic is where we started, at the Sewer main for the City.

There are power lines going to spaces 1-6 about where the orange cone is at, and the guys have gotten past the natural gas line.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sewer update - finding Natural Gas line where it crosses the road

 The guys brought in a cool machine, it is basically a pressure washer to dig the hole and a large tank attached to a vacuum hose to suck it all up out of the hole.

Made a great hole to see the Natural gas line at the bottom, and maybe an old cable TV line at the top.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Babie Birdies Robin/ Killdeer

 We found a Killdeer nest in the middle of our field while mowing.  Ronnie has named her Kelley 'Kildeer' Kirkley.

She has 4 eggs in her nest.

She was not happy that I was looking at her nest, and was showing me her fake broken wing, when I moved she hopped right back on her nest.

I also checked on the Robins nest.  I think the first shot is mom, this

ut  second shot is an unhappy baby?

Sand Hill Cranes -- Eureka Lake Montana

 Heard the Sand hill Cranes were right by the road out at Eureka Lake where they often spend their summers, so Sarah and I headed over to check it out.  

We counted at least 15 of them

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sewer update still @ #7

Guys spent a ton of time hand digging around all the wires and pipes in site #7

There is a natural Gas line between the fence and the ditch through this area also.  

Things got bogged down with all the hand digging, once they got it backfilled the power went out on the RV next to the ditch, so the guys had to had dig around and find the problem, it was a previous splice that had the problem.

  We had the electrician come by and repair it.  They back filled it before I could get a pic.

Then, our contractor had an off the job injury, we hope he will have a speedy recovery, but in the mean time his Dad is going to take over and get our job done.  
We are hoping the hard part is done, this was the area of most concern, but when digging it is always an adventure.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Sewer line update @ #7

 4th of July slowed progress, but the guys are back at it.

Made it to site 7, but they had to do a lot of hand digging to get past water, sewer, and electric lines

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Sewer line update @ #8

 Slow progress the last couple days.

The guys did a lot of hand digging due to electric lines and water lines in space 8.

But they have made it past space 8

In the pic below I am standing where there is a clean out for the sewer.  It is near where the 6" Y is located one side is concrete pipe to the main building the other is the new line we are putting in.

They will take a break for the 4th of July, then they will be back.

Boomer likes the nice pea gravel they are using to fill around the pipe.  

The pea gravel it will help keep the pipe from having holes rubbed into it from larger rocks, plus I am told it will protect the pipe from having the large RV's crushing the pipe.

He loves to roll on his back in back in it.