Monday, December 19, 2022

Ely, Nevada

 Got up in the morning and decided we needed propane.  We stopped across the street from Cactus Pete's in Jacpot, NV.  While apologetic they had no workers available to fill our tank.

In Ely we went to the truck stop and they did not have the right connection for our RV. We decided to stop for the night at Valley View RV Park.  They were supper nice.  The app we used said they had propane, but we could not fill up.  The only place in town that had propane had a tight fit and we would probably needed to disconnect, so we moved on.  

  The RV park was fine, but we doubt we will stay again. There were a lot of RV's there probably monthly.  In Montana every park has a bunch of RV's that either have foam or plywood skirting.  Every time Boomer went out side the park would erupt in barking... fresh meat?  

Failed to get a pic of the park, but the cats have been sitting together more lately.

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