Sunday, August 07, 2022

Blackleaf Wildlife Management Area

We had a moment to take a day trip so we headed North towards Bynum and turned West toward the Bynum Reservoir and the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. There is a large wildlife management area called Blackleaf Wildlife Management Area.  
On the way we saw a bit of wildlife.  
This whitetail doe has a super long neck!
At the turn to head to the reservoir we stopped and let Boomer stretch his legs. 
He was checking out the minos in the water
Further down the road we saw a large herd of Antelope.
Once in the Blackleaf Wildlife Management Area we saw no wildlife at all.
Actually it looked like a great place for a post apocalyptic movie to be filmed. 
When we got out of the car we could really tell that we are having a bad drought, 
the ground was dry and crunchy.

We meandered around the roads looking to see if we could get to the Teton Canyon Highway, and we did manage it, but there were spots I would not have wanted to drive if it was wet, or even threating rain.  On the whole journey we only saw 1 group of 3 guys that were working and no cell service. 
Perfect! : )

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