Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Snow Geese at Potholes Lake, Washington state

 We took Boom for a drive and took a trail out to the water.   Kim made a new friend named 'Seagull.'   They had a good conversation while I went back to the car and got the camera.   While she was waiting for me, she saw something on the other side of Moses Lake.  She called for me to hurry.

There, in the distance, was a flock of Snow Geese, thousands of them, all together on the lake rising up like a living cloud. 

 That got us going!   We got in the car and made tracks towards them.  We arrived at a Sand Dune area for off-road vehicles, and up above our heads, hundreds of Snow Geese were flying in unison. 

 It's amazing to watch them in their V and line formations.  Occasionally they come together and there is a bit of a melee before they line up again.  We were so fortunate to see them!   They have a distinctive cry and it made me remember all the times we've seen them at FreezeOut Lake.  What an incredible experience!

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