Saturday, August 06, 2016

water tank OOPS!

ok, took the time to search for the hole.
Found it, chiseled out plywood.  
I could feel the spot in the plastic where the hole is, but had a hard time seeing it, so Ken drilled it out for me to put the well nut in.  
tested it, no leaks : )

Going to leave the plywood hole, it is only ~ 1in x 1in big. 
This is on the underside of the camper and will be against the bed of the truck.

(The pic below is after tank was full for 24 hrs)


I messed up and put a screw into the bottom of the camper. 
As soon as I screwed it in, I realized it was too long of a screw.I removed the screw, and the camper started to pee my fresh water out the bottom.  : (
I was thinking I needed to take the bottom plywood off the camper to fix it.
Then about 2 years later I had an idea
cut a hole in the plywood with a hole saw, and
fix it with a well nut.  
Not sure if that is the proper term, but is what I have decided to call it.
There is a nut at the end of the rubber piece.  
Had to buy the bolt and washer separate.
Set me back a whole $1.07

Below is what happens when you tighten the bolt.

Ok, I waited too long to come up with this plan. 
 I put water in the tank, so I could find the hole, and it did not pee for me.  : ( 
Instead I just wicked out a crack on the bottom edge of the camper.
I looked all over the bottom of the camper and am at a loss as to where it is at. :  (
There are about a hundred screws in the bottom of the camper.  
Guess I will put it off for another day...  again