Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Condo renovation

Our condo complex is going under major construction. 
The complex has 10 buildings 
each building is 3 stories tall with 8 units on each floor.
They are going to redo the roofs, put all new siding and new windows 

The have started construction on 2 of the buildings
Our renter met someone that lives in one of the buildings being done first, 
when asked how it was going the person said oh its not bad, except when the foot came thru their ceiling,  evidently they fixed the hole right away.

I was trying to get a shot here of how instead of a flat roof they went with a V shaped roof.
Eliminating the flat roof and problems with water in the NW.
Still seems odd to me, so the water goes to the center of the building?  

On one of the buildings they painted paint samples, 
Don't know what they went with.  
Condo meetings are hard to go to when you live out of state.

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