Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Post Falls ID

Stopped in Post Falls, ID on the way home for the night.

Bear Really liked Ken and followed him everywhere.
no Bear's eyes did not pop out, they are ok.

Bear dog

Joe had a hard time finding a place he could have his dog Bear, so we are taking him home with us.
Here he is at wild horses monument.
Started out with Bear in back seat, and Bailey up front.

They changed at the first stop and Bailey got her back seat.
Funny she normally sleeps when ever we drive but she rode home sitting up almost the whole way.

and Bear preferred to be up front.

Bear was funny, every time the plant life changed 
His nose would go up in the air and his sniffer was wiggling like crazy.
To my knowledge he has never been out of WA state.

Monday, May 30, 2016

ready to go home

Bailey is tired of hiding from construction workers.  The hardwood flooring guy has a noisy sander that she REALLY does not like.  She crawls on the brake every time he comes to the house.

We are getting tired of the clouds and rain.

So we are packing up.

Bailey is ready to go home.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

more on condo

Ran over to the condo for a minor plumbing issue 
and noticed the stairwell is being supported by temporary posts.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Bailey is getting used to not having Gator hogging the back seat.

Since we are bringing Bear dog back with us she is going to be a bit crowded on the way home.

Condo renovation

Our condo complex is going under major construction. 
The complex has 10 buildings 
each building is 3 stories tall with 8 units on each floor.
They are going to redo the roofs, put all new siding and new windows 

The have started construction on 2 of the buildings
Our renter met someone that lives in one of the buildings being done first, 
when asked how it was going the person said oh its not bad, except when the foot came thru their ceiling,  evidently they fixed the hole right away.

I was trying to get a shot here of how instead of a flat roof they went with a V shaped roof.
Eliminating the flat roof and problems with water in the NW.
Still seems odd to me, so the water goes to the center of the building?  

On one of the buildings they painted paint samples, 
Don't know what they went with.  
Condo meetings are hard to go to when you live out of state.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

happy days

Got the truck back from the auto shop.  Needed a new starter. 
3 days and 2 nights 
Time to go back to work.  
(and see what was done in my absence)

I was talking to the neighbors and noticed the house is looking better, 
less overgrown and some painting of trim and the fence makes it look nicer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Time off, not by choice...

I pulled into a friends driveway, and then my truck would not start.
We think it is the starter.  

Called our buddies at AAA.  
He helped push the truck further in the driveway, 
and push the truck out from under the camper
 in order to take the camper off the truck for the tow to the shop.

Had to call AAA back for a tow since the first guy showed up in a pickup, 
plus I had to figure where to take the truck to.

Bailey is not impressed with all the noise and excitement, 
but found herself a safe spot on the front porch.

Now we are camping in the driveway.  
At least it happened in a safe spot.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Bailey helper

Bailey has been my shadow every where I go.  
Here she is sitting by my side while I paint the fence.

When I sat down to do the lower part of the fence she leaned on me.