Saturday, December 05, 2015

Memorial Falls trail Montana

We woke up early and felt a need to go to the mountains.  Since there is not much snow (not enough for the ski areas to be open anyway) , and a good weather forecast, we decided to check out a short trail to Memorial Falls Montana just past Neihart, MT.  It is almost an hour from our house.
While no one was there we were thrilled to see we could access the parking area in our little Prius, and saw people tracks on the trail.  So we went for it.

The trail was narrow and some steep spots even had a hand rail.

The rocks above us were gorgeous looming above the trail.

It was fun listening to the water rushing under the ice along the trail.
Here is a video to get the idea.

Since we were alone we let the dogs off leash for a run.
They really enjoyed it!

We came to a short icy spot.  It was so warm the ice and a bit of water on it and was VERY slick!

Here is a video to see how Suzi and the dogs got past the ice.

We got our first glimpse of the water fall.

Here is a video of the falls.  Gator is running on the trail in this video.

Getting closer.

When we got to the waterfall there was a small bridge crossing the creek.  The trail continued on to the upper falls, but we turned around here.

another video of Memorial Falls.

Bailey in front, Gator and I took a rest on a stump before heading back down the trail.

We did not see anybody until we headed back then we ran into 2 couples on their way up.
That was a fun trail especially with so few on it today!  We had come by last summer, but the parking lot was full, so we moved on and did something else. I think we had good timing!

here is a link to the forest service site about this trail.

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