Sunday, August 16, 2015

Smoke tower @ Showdown Ski Area Montana

We decided to go all the way to the top of the mountains where the ski area was.  When we pulled in we saw a sign that said it went to a smoke tower.   Looking at the map it might be a road the Prius should be able to go up.  (I figured it was easy to turn the car around... so... just worried about clearance)

Saw a total of 3 deer along the way.

We made it to the top just fine spotting the smoke tower.

When we got out of the car a gal up at the top hung her head over the rail and invited us up.

WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Here is the proof

That is the ski area behind Suzi.  There was an active fire in the direction of the antenna on the left side of the photo.  With all the clouds and smoke haze from Washington state I don't know how she can spot anything.

Time to head back down.  
 The smoke tower is the highest peak in the Little Belt Mountains.

We decided to walk over and look over the edge at the Showdown Ski area since it was right next door.

View looking down at the lodge.  I had fun looking at the terrain.  I had skied here in the early 80's.  It looked different, but I don't know if I was just mixing up ski areas or if it was just it looked different without the snow.

Looking back at the smoke tower.

The road did not seem as bad going down as it did going up for clearance.

Just noticed an article about the fire tower we went to on the local news site:

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