Monday, August 31, 2015


Saw this buck outside of Black Eagle, MT

Rainbow Dam North side

We decided to cross the river and check out the other side of Rainbow Dam.

There is a road for utility workers only that they allow pedestrians on.
Might be a better way to travel with the trike.

I was admiring this pelican taking a bath.

When I heard a bunch of extremely loud Canadian Geese honking away.
They were headed right for us thru the river valley the sound of them reverberating off the river wall.

That was fun.

We could see across the river to the bridge we had taken the trike to earlier in the month.

On our way back to town we looked back 
to see the railroad bridge crossing the Missouri  River at the top of the dam, 
with the Highwood Mountains in the distance.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Forest Fire Smoke

It was smoky out and I decided to go to the Rocky Mountains.
Below is Freezeout Lake, near Fairfield, MT,
normally I can see the Rockies behind the lake here.

This is where I normally take photos of Ear Mountain, She is NOT looming today!

The sun tried to make an appearance.

Practically below Ear Mountain, I still cannot see it! 

Got this shot of the sun closer to Great Falls, MT.
We were getting smoke from WA, ID and MT.  

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Jinxy dog

Cute little Jinxy dog came down from Canada for a quick visit.
There is nothing to her but hair!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rainbow Dam trail South Side

Decided to take the trike down a trail.
Saw this pelican on the way to the trail head near Giant Springs.

We were on the South side of the Missouri River.
Heading East.  

Looking back towards Rainbow Dam.

The trail started out paved and wide, turning to gravel, then got narrower as we traveled.

Looking back at the trail I was on.

I had to get off the trike occasional to go thru some narrow spots, 
I was worried about tipping over.

We turned around at the bridge.

The aftermath, I think they had fun!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Smoke tower @ Showdown Ski Area Montana

We decided to go all the way to the top of the mountains where the ski area was.  When we pulled in we saw a sign that said it went to a smoke tower.   Looking at the map it might be a road the Prius should be able to go up.  (I figured it was easy to turn the car around... so... just worried about clearance)

Saw a total of 3 deer along the way.

We made it to the top just fine spotting the smoke tower.

When we got out of the car a gal up at the top hung her head over the rail and invited us up.

WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Here is the proof

That is the ski area behind Suzi.  There was an active fire in the direction of the antenna on the left side of the photo.  With all the clouds and smoke haze from Washington state I don't know how she can spot anything.

Time to head back down.  
 The smoke tower is the highest peak in the Little Belt Mountains.

We decided to walk over and look over the edge at the Showdown Ski area since it was right next door.

View looking down at the lodge.  I had fun looking at the terrain.  I had skied here in the early 80's.  It looked different, but I don't know if I was just mixing up ski areas or if it was just it looked different without the snow.

Looking back at the smoke tower.

The road did not seem as bad going down as it did going up for clearance.

Just noticed an article about the fire tower we went to on the local news site:

Little Belt Mountains Montana

Took Suzi up to the Little Belt Mountains.  Our first stop was to admire the canyon at Sluice Box state Park on the edge of the mountains.

This Eagle buzzed us while we were there.

When we got up to the area where they play with sled dogs we got out and took a romp.
It was an hour away, and the terrain was so very different, Great Falls being on the prairie. Plus it was 20F cooler up at Kings Hill. (glad we brought sweaters.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Bird in a bush.

This was the same bush the flower with the bee was on.

Bee on Flower


Nick came by and helped me with some tree cutting.  
He got on the shed to tie a rope to the top of the tree to keep it from falling on the neighbors garage.
We had a lot of fun, well at least I did.  : ) 

Friday, August 07, 2015

Rocky mountain front West of Choteau, MT

I took a quick trip up to the Rockies.
Ear mountain was looming over the prairie.

We stopped by Eureka Lake out side of Choteau, MT

More like a puddle this late in the summer.  They use it for irrigation.

The birds congregated around the small puddle left behind.  
(the dark large birds are sand cranes, and the large white birds are pelicans.)

The birds are getting used to their new Squirrel proof bird feeder.

Monday, August 03, 2015

Suzi's Parents

Had a good time with Suzi's parents when they came for a bit this summer!
Took them to the Rainbow Dam overlook.
Carol, Suzi, Mike

Carol and Mike

Bailey likes playing with grandparents!

So does Gator.

But Gator Loves Getting the Rabbit with Grandpa best!

Before they left Carol wanted one more game of fetch at the local off leash dog walk.
Gator and Bailey thought it was a great idea!

When we got to the parking lot we looked across the river and spotted a deer and a couple of pelicans on the island in the middle of Great Falls, MT.