Monday, May 13, 2013

Great Falls, MT

We stopped by Great Falls, MT and visited my nephew Tom.  We went to meet him along river road near Gibson Park.  There were numerous traffic stops from the geese crossing the road.

The adults would put their beaks close to the road and make noise to hurry up the slow goslings.

Turned out we chose a spot too close to the skatboard park.  Bailey had to get out her thunder shirt to help take the edge off.  Those kids are mighty scary with all the noise.
We decided to go look at some stuff. 
A trip to Great Falls just did not seem right without stopping at the over look of Eagle Dam.
We noticed across the river they had opened the area below the dam up to the public. 
Since we had never been down there before we just had to go check it out.

As we talked to Tom we discovered he had never been to Ryan Dam that he could remember. 
Ryan Dam is a few miles north of town.  Below the dam you have to cross a walk bridge to an island, that is a beautiful park like setting perfect for picnics and such.
Upon arriving on the island, we encountered this sign.  Hmmm made us ponder, what if it is something other than 8, maybe 3 or 19 or something, what then???
At the end of the island there is a great view of Ryan Dam itself.

 It was great to hang out with Tom, We had a blast!

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