Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stimson Bullitt Climbing Reserve, Forks of the Sky State Park in Index WA

We took a day trip to Stimson Bullitt Climbing Reserve, Forks of the Sky State Park in Index WA.

Gator and Bailey were troopers, there were some people with packs and climbing gear, which was a bit scary for Bailey, but she survived... 

Gator had a blast

Gator did have alot of fun climbing on the rocks. 

She actually started up this, see below, and we had to tell her no.  We are party poopers.  I had visions of sitting on a ledge with my dog waiting for rescuers... eek... 

We had fun and are planning on coming back durning Peregrine Falcon nesting season.  We did see what we thought was a Peregrine Falcon fly over, but was way too fast in the woods to get a shot.

Look close below, there is a climber on the wall.

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