Sunday, July 15, 2012

Iron Goat Trail

We decided to take a day trip.  Since it was 84F in Sultan, WA, we decided to go for a higher elevation.  We decided to go to Iron Goat trail and see the old Cascade tunnel and the snow shelter. 
They have opened a information center which is just a rest area, maps and a caboose which is cool and being renovated.  There is an old stove inside. 

We headed up the pass to the trail head. Where it was a nice 70F  yippee.

The trail goes 2 directions here.  We decided to go look at the old Cascades tunnel first.  It has been about 10 years since we have been here.  This is Gator and Bailey's first hike on leash.  We put the harnesses on them finding that it is easier to control them. 

We were disapointed the trail ends before the tunnel.  Due to dangerous flash flooding and rocks falling from the roof of the tunnel they stop you at the view point.  We were remembering how cold the air felt coming from the tunnel. 

We also noticed last time we were here it said CASCADE above the tunnel.  You can see here how some of the letters are missing.  We would not have noticed the lettering from this distance without a zoom or some bicnoculars.

We took time for a picnic in the back of the truck. 

The snow shleter is where the Wellington Train disaster happend when a train got hit by a big avalanche in 1910 killing 96 people. 

The snow shelter is almost a 1/2 mile long.

It was amazing to see all the work on the trail they have done in the snow shelter.   The trail is now accesible.  We did talk to one gal in a chair that said there were trees across the trail on the other side of the snow shelter.  She was disapointed she could go no farther.  They claim to have 6 miles of accessable trails.  We only went a short ways into the shelter for this trip.  We want to come back with the trike.  Suzi joked about bringing a chain saw with us next time... 

On our way driving out, we found a small road off shooting and since we were in the truck, decided to take it thinking we might find a special camp spot... would not take it in a car. needed the ground clearance in spots, we were creeping along, then... hummm Suzi said I was going to slow.

We were able to get on US hwy 2 here.
The mountains looked more like the Smokey Mountains than the Cascades.

 The ride home: I think a good time was had by all.


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