Thursday, October 27, 2011

I went out to mow, and found the deer in the field I WAS going to mow.

Even though I kept passing by in the field across the driveway, the 2 yearlings settled in. So I gave up on the idea of mowing where they were... maybe another day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another great sunrise:

Photo taken 10/26/11
Our little tenacious Ginger dog still rules the roost:

We did get some news that she probably has cancer. We could have shelled out over $300 for confromatino, but we are just going to do symptomatic comfort care. She is on thyroid meds, steroids to help the iflamation, and antibiotics. What hit me was when the vet and his assistant we go to kept going on and on about how frail she looks. She is still keeping us in order though she has deligated some functions to the puppies.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We were watching a football game this past Sunday, and all of a sudden a bird hit the window. I went out to check it out and 1. See if the bird was still alive, and 2. If it was keep the cats away from it. Well, I could not find the bird.
Upon coming back into the house I noticed Bailey dog sniffing something under the window. It was a Flicker Woodpecker. A young one. It was still breathing, so I tried to pick it up to put it in a bucket and the poor thing went crazy! All I could think about was the holes those woodpeckers drill in the trees eek! It climbed under the couch cover and I put the bucket over it trapping it against the front of the couch. Whew, once we got the lid on the bucket Suzi carried it outside for the big release. Below is the video of the successful release.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

There must be something living down in the stump. The cats spend hours at a time just staring.

Below is a video of Louis taking a dirt bath.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Gator was having fun running up the hills of beauty bark staged at the Marymoor dog park.
Seems like I see at least one great blue heron each time I go to Marymoor.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tripod, our 3 footed deer was head butting his twin brother.

Tripod's horns are just little bumps,

but his brother's horns look like wicked spikes.

below is a video of them playing.

Meanwhile, their mom found that the center roof (1 out of 3) was off the garden. She got into the garden and went under the chickenwire roof.

at least she is on the side of the garden with all the weeds. The other side is strawberry plants...

below is a video:

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Monday, October 03, 2011

Natasha was beeing cute posing on the truck hood.

Last month we got a call telling us our fence had some rotting. I went to check it out. that top board was a 2x4.

I only needed to replace 2x4's (top and bottom) on the deck. All done.