Friday, September 09, 2011

It is the season for tree removal. We had several issues. One was some trees along the power line, we had some birch trees that were blackened from brushing the power lines, so the power company came out and removed them.
Looks like the bucket arm is a bit close to the power line to me… (the top wire is live)

They sure did a good job of clearing my view of the neighbors house.
While the guys were here, they mentioned we should consider cutting down our 75’ hemlock tree. (they would not do it since it would not land on the power line, just my house.)

We have heard this before from a couple of different sources, so… we hired Rudy from Top Notch tree service to cut it down.

They limbed it as far as possible with the bucket,

then decided to limb it the rest of the way climbing the tree.

Below is a video of the tree having it‘s limbs cut off:

I missed the cutting of the top 1/3rd (batteries died in camera)

Then he cut the middle section.
Below is a video:

Followed by the bottom of the tree.
Below is a video:

Now we have lots of firewood for warmth this winter. :)

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