Monday, June 28, 2010

Louis has a new friend.

I noticed the fawn has 2 black spots where horns would grow. I wonder if we have a baby buck?

When Louis jumped down next to the fawn, it got up looked around then grazed and slowly wandered away.

I do wonder, Louis likes to cuddle bug with his dogs... does the fawn just look like another dog to him??

Pic of the day... Gator was being way too cute when I came out of the store.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

boing boing Marymoore Doggie Park... AKA grass surfin'
When we were in Montana recently I thought the grass seemed way behind, so here is why I am already tired of mowing this year...

When we arrived home we were greeted by our little fawn.

She/he even posed cutely for us...

and gave us the other profile too boot...

Normally she just runs past like a blur letting you know she is there, but not sticking around long enough for me to get out the camera.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

We made it! We spent our last night at Banks Lake. There was only one other camper in the campground… Felt for them in the middle of the night when the rain was pounding down. The rain stopped about 7am. Perfect!

Gator and Bailey were thrilled!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I saw a BLM campground east of Wenatchee, WA on the internet, so we thought we would check it out. We decided to go thru Moses Coulee… It is amazing that the view is so much different from home, yet so close…

We needed to ford a small creek, it was not much at the time, but it was running, and I could see that it could get deeper than I would want to cross…

Then we had to wait for a SUV to come down the hill so we could go up. The photo does not do the road justice. It was bumpy aka slowwww and steep when considering we had our camper on our back.

As we drove up into the sage brush desolate area it was amazing to see the fertile soil down in the valley.

There were cool rock formations sticking up out of the hills.

This rock marked the entrance to the BLM.

We got to a fork in the road and there were cars and people. We talked to some and they told us there is a gate and the campsites are hike in, and there is a waterfall also.

We turned around and found a spot for lunch…

We decided to go to a campsite we camp at on occasion at Banks Lake near Coulee City, WA. We looked at the map and it looked like the road thru Moses Coulee MIGHT go thru where we could connect with US Hwy 2.

Saw a couple of hawks along the way.

At one point we thought the road was ending, it seemed like we were driving into a farmers yard. Turned out it was the end of the coulee, and the road did a S curve passing a few houses then climbing up a steep hill out of the coulee.
If you look close in this shot there is a telephone pole at the top edge of the cliff. The wire follows the steep cliff on the left all the way to the bottom of the valley in the farmers pasture.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

We stopped by the Wild Horses Monument above Vantage, WA.

We found a gravel area away from the paved parking lot directly below the monument. We were going to just have lunch, but time got away from us.

We took a short hike on the hill near the camper.

The dogs had a blast.

Got this shot of random people with the monument for scale…

I tried to get a shot of this flower,

But got a shot of this instead… (Gator‘s tongue)

Suzi wanted to hike up to the monument, but wanted to take the dogs, and there were lots of people, so We decided that there were no signs so we spent the night…
In the morning Suzi got up at 4:30am and took Samantha, Gator, and Bailey for a hike up to the monument.

Ginger was happy to stay behind with me.

It did not take as long as we thought it would, she was only gone about an hour.

That is I-90 below, where it crosses the river at Vantage.

We decided to take a weekend trip camping. We started out after work at Snoqualmie pass.

Our spot was fooded. We normally turn right where the island is.
We have had several deer hanging around lately.

At first I did not even realize this was a young buck...

This on one of the moms. She lays in the open while her baby sleeps? in the woods... There are 5 fawns in the neighborhood, one single and 2 sets of twins. The mom with the single has chosen our yard to spend alot of time in...

There are several yearlings that hang around together. I know this is an obscene shot but I thought it turned out cool... I was surprised at how close I was to her when she assumed the position, this was taken with no zoom...

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

This Female Red Breasted Grosbeak? is our newest member at the feeding hole.