Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bailey is a star. She has taken up frisbee. We took her to Edmonds off leash doggie area yesterday.

We were at Marymoore off leash doggie park a coulple of weeks ago, and a dog was practicing catching a frisbee while we were there. Bailey looked intrigued, so when we got home we got out a frisbee... yup, she is a quick study!

Don't worry, Ginger, Samantha, and Gator had fun too.

Of course there is a certain technique to bringing back the frisbee...
prance, prance, prance...

There is the standing on your tippy toes catch...

Ok, this one was weird, the landing, yes, that is only one dog... it just does not look quite right.
I had to star at it for awhile.. That is an awfully happy tail though.
(reminder you can click on any photo to enlarge it)

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