Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I am having problems uploading photos, but thought I would put in an update.
I have been going on "herd" walks thru the property each day. A herd walk consists of ALL 6 pets, 4 dogs and 2 cats! It is quite amusing listening to Natasha cat yell at us to wait up.
2 days ago Gator decided to tackle Louis Cat. I think Gator was attempting to play with the cat the way she does with Jaws. We did play with naming Jaws Penelope the other day, but Samantha kept coming to it, then she would get mad at Jaws for invading her space… so we are back to Jaws. She is quite the cry baby. Gator is MUCH quieter!
They day we got them We stopped by and picked up 2 collars for them. They were quiet large on them, but they already fit nicely on the smallest setting. We think Jaws is going to be a lot larger than Gator.

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