We decided to take the kitties with us. Everyone seemed to be settling in well. Loius is the one on the dinette. He is sitting right in front of the heater fan.

Ginger has a nice cozy spot up on the top bunk

Sam and Ginger could not wait to run on the beach!

Here is a shot of Sam's paw print.

It was beautiful out!

The surf was more dramatic than normal, and occasionally the wind would make the waves do a wispy dance in the sky.

The next day the Coast Guard decided to come out to do exercises and entertain us tourists...
They would start out by lowering down a guy out of the helicopter.

They had dummies hanging off the cliff.

Then they would go back via helicopter over the water to be raised back up.

The whole while there was a coast guard boat off shore.

Back at the camper the kitties were having fun, well, Natasha was anyway...
She discovered going into the basement.

Then she discovered that the cupboards are actually a bunk bed with a nice access area...

Louis on the other hand was content to sit in front of the heater.

The next day the clouds decided to come in.

It was warm, and the surf was up. I was surprised to see the surfers. (there is a strong rip tide here making it dangerous for swimmers) It was fun to watch them though.

Even though there were clouds it was actually a really nice day.

A couple of years ago this life vessel fell off of a ship.

It moves up and down the beach, being moved by the larger storms.

Even though it was a cloudy day, the last sunset was beautiful.

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