Earlier in the week we got a bit of snow up at our house the road was icy to Monroe. But it was really pretty out.

Then Wednesday morning we woke to 3 inches of fresh snow, so I took Suzi to work with the truck. Which happened to still have the new camper on it. One funny thing was since we moved the truck up by the RV pad, we had a couple of branches we had to prune due to the snow was weighing the branches down, blocking the camper height.
There was more snow forecast for that day. Schools throughout the Seattle area were closed for the day even... but... There really wasn't much more snow Wednesday night, after work, we thought about heading home. Until we heard on the radio there was a major accident on the road we take. So we thought well, the camper is on the truck, let's just spend the night. We woke to the white stuff near Crossroads in Bellevue where we slept.
The dogs thought it was GREAT!

We had to navigate the hills of Bellevue to get Suzi to work. It was kind of fun. The cranes in the background kept disappearing and reappearing with the heavy snowfall.

Here is the View from Suzi's desk

Suzi's boss was really happy she made it in. We decided to spend Thursday night in town also. The temp ranged from 14F to 29F during our adventure. The camper handled it well. We did have antifreeze in all the pipes no running water at these temps. We did use the toilet, but we tried to keep a 50/50 mix of liquids and antifreeze. (ok, maybe too much information)
We woke Friday Morning and noticed these cool icicles hanging from the camper. (which are larger now)

It was a beautiful day. Sunny and about 25F. Here is what the view from Suzi's desk was this morning.

Tonight(Friday night) after work we crawled our way home. it took us almost 2hrs. We were surprised to see less snow in Totem Lake, but once we passed Costco in Woodinville the roads seemed to get worse, but interestingly the drivers in Monroe did not bother me the way the drivers did in Bellevue. Maybe they just have more experience. The road was plowed all the way home, but the road seemed especially narrow and really could use another run from the plow. I doubt the Prius could make the trek to Monroe from home due to low clearance. Here is a shot of the fire hydrant at the end of our block.

Our driveway looked so pristine it was almost a crime to venture down it.

I rubbed my axel on the truck all the way down the driveway. We had some low branches from the weight of the snow, so Suzi got out of the truck and waded thru the snow to make sure we had enough clearance.
Ginger is displaying how deep the snow was.

We were all thrilled to be home.

It was a good trial run for the camper, our first camping trip... hmm... anyhow, we both agreed we slept as well in the camper as we would have had we been home! :)
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