We made a fire, had some roasted dogs, and broke out the marshmellows. I made Suzi a couple of roasted mellows, keeping the bag close by my side. When I reached for the bag to get out another mellow, it was gone...
I had heard a noise behind me just before realizing my bag was gone, so I walked to the woods behind me. when I went towards the loan marshmellow on the ground, I was greeted by some very scary sounds, almost like a crazy wild monkey, or better yet, they sounded like the critters from gremlins. As I backed away from the Marshmellow, a racoon came out and grabbed it.
Here are some of the eyes... We saw at least 4 sets.

Scene of the Crime... In the morning we found the empty bag... at least they left us the bread bag...

We got a big laugh out of the whole thing!

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