Tuesday, October 07, 2008

ok this is the last post of our trip to Cape Disappointment.
We had a great time! We really missed going places. Guess we will have to do something about that!

It was fun watching the pelicans.

Saturday they did alot of fishing...

Sunday they were gone, but this guy and his kid were fishing. (he had no luck while we were there)
Suzi drug, pushed, an pulled me up to the top of the hill in Cape Disappointment State Park. This is the lighthouse where the Columbia River meets the Pacific ocean. Those hills in the distance are Oregon.
Up at the top there are some old WWII bunkers. Interesting side note about the hill. It acutally was an Island back when Lewis and Clark visited. They call it Cape Disappointment due to all the ship wrecks in the area. They put in a manmade spit at the entrance to the Columbia River, and it caused a sand bar to be created, which is now the state park, and campground.

Climbing the rock piles at Cape Disappointment.
sorry there are so many pics, I couldn't decide which was best...

Ginger is so cute with her strawberry blond hair glinting in the sun!

Another pile of rocks...

The pic below is the same place as the pic above...
Sammy is king of the hill...
Sunset at Cape Disappointment.

Below is the North Head lighthouse.
Funny thing happened while at Cape Disappointment.
We made a fire, had some roasted dogs, and broke out the marshmellows. I made Suzi a couple of roasted mellows, keeping the bag close by my side. When I reached for the bag to get out another mellow, it was gone...

I had heard a noise behind me just before realizing my bag was gone, so I walked to the woods behind me. when I went towards the loan marshmellow on the ground, I was greeted by some very scary sounds, almost like a crazy wild monkey, or better yet, they sounded like the critters from gremlins. As I backed away from the Marshmellow, a racoon came out and grabbed it.

Here are some of the eyes... We saw at least 4 sets.

Scene of the Crime... In the morning we found the empty bag... at least they left us the bread bag...

We got a big laugh out of the whole thing!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Our campsite.
Everyone seemed happy to be on the beach!

Last weekend it was beautiful weather so we decided to hit the beach. we went to Cape Disappointment State Park in SW Washington. We arrived Friday in time for the sunset.