Thursday, August 21, 2008

We were inspired by our neighbor, and decided to plant a small garden. We planted some pots on the porch, along with a 5'x10' plot out in the yard. We planted rather late in the year, so there is not much to show, but we are having fun with it.

In the garden we planted corn, sunflowers, pumpkins, zucchini squash, and crookneck squash, peppers, and potatoes. We also put a pot with a green cherry tomato plant, which has it's first babies on it.

On the porch we planted artichokes, zucchini squash, peppers, lettuce (which was all devoured by some unknown source), table onions, peas, and various herbs.

the pea pod has started growing!

We have 2 zucchini plants:

One even has a baby zucchini growing!

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