Saturday, June 30, 2007

I saw what I thought was a rock in the driveway. Turned out to be this bird.

Took the kitties to the vet today. Got a clean bill of health, and their first shots... boy are they wiped out now!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The kitties played real hard today, boy are they wiped out!
Nice sunset tonight!
The Kitties have decided the best water in the house is the doggie water!We were just thinking, last week they climbed on this water bucket at the same time and walked on the rim in circles. We were afraid they would fall in and drown! They sure are growing fast!
The roses at Joe and Carisha's are looking good.

Little Loius is quite smitten with Ginger.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This Calla Lily was not much of anything last year, but this year we have 3 decent sized flowers.
Vicki came by with kitty gifts. They were a big hit!
This is Loius Bear.

This is wheat grass. We often find the grass on it's side in a different location from where it was.
Natasha is on the left, and Louis is on the right.

It is fun watching their definite personalities come out. She is very curious, and likes to be high up. He is a scaredy cat, and likes routine. We noticed his fur is looking better, since she started helping him bath...

Monday, June 25, 2007

The rufous sided towhee eggs have hatched! There are at least 2 babies. Look close, you can make out their yellow mouths, beaks and closed eyes... (reminder, to see the pic larger, just click on it)
*****Upon further scrutiny there is a 3rd beak in the back row*****
The dogs are really wanting to check out the kitties. They assist occasionally with kitty bathing.
Louis is facinated by the dogs, Ginger in particular.

Now we have had a couple of nights in a row where they are napping together.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Just a little bit of wildlife. Saw this little snake in the driveway.
Later we watched a raven placing grass on top of something. Then another Raven came by and it was like they were having a pow wow. Then a little Stellar Jay distracted them and a huge Raven took of with their prize, a snake that was fatter than this one...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

This pic is Natasha next to our cast iron cat statue (who is wearing Buggs' old collar) When we got the kitties they were way smaller than the statue.
We have had the kitties for 6 days now. Sometimes they take the same pose as the statue, and a fun thing to do is run sideways towards eachother (with their backs arched) while playing, makes us laugh every time!

This shot is how they look 1/2 of the time. They take lots of cat naps thru the day and night, then they run and play the other 1/2 of the day and night! (Natasha is the one with the belly exposed and Loius is zonked under her.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Our neighbor told us there were twin fawns. Next thing you know, moma brought them by.
The deer at the top of the screen is Babe, the yearling that went bald last winter.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ok, we have a problem with having the kitties...
They make it hard to motivate to get stuff done...

Of course it is an important job being a cat bed...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Had a couple of woodpeckers hang out on the downed flag pole for awhile.

We were going to get rid of the downed pole, but moments like this make us enjoy having it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Well, we now have names... we decided to name the boy (left) Louis, and the girl Natasha.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Can you say S-U-C-K-E-R???
We acquired 2 little kitties. They have the same father, but different mothers. They were born 1 week apart.

This one is a girl. She is the younger one. She has green eyes, and is a bit smaller, and is totally black.

This is the little boy. He has blue eyes and a few white hairs on his back.
Our little yearling (babe) scared us yesterday. We were driving down the road, and there she was wandering aimlessly. I had to stop, but what scared us was the car behind us almost passed us. (we were in the truck, and I am sure the car did not see the deer) We tooted our horn, and Babe took off. whew!
Gotta love the pacific NW. Green stuff grows REALLY good here! Even had to weed the wood shed! The other side even had black berries growing in the eves of the shed!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mamma brought her little fawn back by. It was nice Suzi finally got to see the little one...
Mamma has been spending most of her days in our yard, without the fawn... One time I was working in the garage, and I heard a loud noise, I half expected to see a horse in the yard, but it was momma, and she looked upset and was looking in the area where we think she is keeping the baby...
Slow but sure, someday we will be able to spend time at our own house. It was nice of Samanta to help! (she is laying where the dirt needs to be put.)
We are changing the elevation a bit, then we are going back to lawn. We pruned the Rhodies. The one on the left was higher than the gutters on the house, and it was blocking the one on the right. We are planning on cutting down the evergreen on the right.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I was in Bellevue, and heard a racket. I looked up to see this hawk (lower left corner)being chased by a bunch of Ravens.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our little humming birds are as active as ever.
Sitting on the portch, they kind of remind me of Joe when he was about 9... zoom zoom... hyper little guys!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Had Babe (our yearling that was bald) come in with a buck. We think he is Shiner, the one that had a swollen black eye last fall.
He is turning into a fine looking buck!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

When I was in Bellevue I looked around and counted 11 cranes in my view.(there were 2 more @ Overlake Hospital, to the right, that I could not fit in the pic)
I guess that is why they call it the city of cranes.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I was over at Joe and Caraisha's and found this rufous sided towhee nest on the ground in the area I was cleaning up brush. Oops hopfully I did not disturb it too much. Guess brush cleaning in the yard is going to have to wait a bit...
There were several rufous sided towhee hanging around the back yard.
Here is another shot of mamma with her new fawn. If you look closely you can see her tounge cleaning her little one.
Have not seen the fawn again, but have seen momma several times in different areas of our property grazing by herself.
Did a bit of internet research. Evidently the fawn will stay in one location for about 2 weeks, and mom will stop by about every 4 hours for feeding and to let the little one releive it's self. (momma cleans up after the fawn to keep the smells of the newborn at bay, so preditors will not smell the newborn)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Had this momma deer come thru with her brand new baby! I was shocked to see a deer about the same size as my dogs!
I think this is the same mom of the deer that lost it's fur last year. (Carol's peeping tom)

Here is the same shot zoomed in on the baby.

It looks wet in the pic, it has been raining real hard all day today. The baby was running, so it isn't THAT new of a birth... but it does make one think... how long after birth do they run?? The night before we saw last years baby in the yard, and every time I looked out she was still in the same area of the yard, until mom left with the little one...