Monday, September 25, 2006

Caterpillar... We have had an add out to sell our RV. Since we currently have dialup I have not wanted to make our phone busy... so our posts will be hit and miss. Today I am presuming nobody would call before 5 am??

Monday, September 18, 2006

Looks like Tex has rubbed his velvets off of his horns. We have a willow bush that looks like they have been rubbing their horns on.

I wonder if this little buck picked the wrong doe?? That is quite the shiner he has...
Kitty Update... END

Artie FINALLY came into the house at the same time as Cleo. We made the decision to bring all kitty stuff from the garage, and lock them out... They are not very happy with us right now. But their parents are due back late tonight? I think they will be happy to have their properly trained staff back!
Just realized I never posted our pics from our recent trip to Montana.

These deer were just outside of the town of Choteau, MT.

These baby twins were near Missoula, MT.

I was surprised to see the cacti was surviving the cold Montana winters.

The rest are just some of the wildlife in the front yard.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Kitty update. This morning when I awoke I sleepily wandered over to the coffee machine to get my fix of caffeine. When I turned on the light in the dining room I briefly spotted Arty cat at the doggie water dish. The only way to describe his reaction, is, have you ever seen what happens in a room that has cockroaches? Well little Artie took off in a flash, akin to the cockroaches! Don't worry, I found him... at least his ear...

Bugs is baffled about Artie spending all his time in the garage. We have had daily fires, and it is MUCH warmer in by the fire...

Cleo on the other hand has been doing well. he is letting us pet him now, without the hissing even! Don't worry, he didn't run around with this needle sticking out. He seems to enjoy patrolling both the house and garage.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kitty update: evidently Arty's hanging out in the garage is to avoid me, he must remember when he was younger (over a decade ago) when I made a lame attempt at clipping his claws. Yup, that's Arty in that doorway. He sat there for about an hour just watching the dogs. He is now on his perch on the shelving in the garage.

Cleo has taken over the spot that I actually arranged thinking of Arty...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Kitty update: Arty has moved from the floor under the tarp to the shelf up by the rafters... It is only 55F outside today, we keep telling him it is warmer inside by the fire, but he prefers to stay here...

Cleo on the other hand has no problem sitting by the fire, though he does occasionally wander out to his garage.
We are kitty sitting this week. One of the boys, Cleo, is a diabetic cat that needs insulin 2x per day. The other, Arty, is REALLY good at finding hiding places! This morning I was looking for Arty and Suzi finally found him in the garage...
Stopped by Eureka lake, or should I say puddle... They use the lake for irrigation, so this time of year it is always at it's lowest... Ginger got a bit close to the edge of the lake...
Here is some of the wildlife we saw there.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Due to the heavy smoke, you could hardly make out the Rocky Mountains!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Haven't posted for awhile. We took a short trip to MT. We took our little Prius to save $$ on gas. Spent the night in a little motel in Ritzville WA on the way. We were worried about how the dogs would adapt to motel life instead of an RV. They handled it fine. Samantha is hard to see here, but she is sporting her new princess pillow! Ginger spent both nights in the motel in this position...