Monday, February 27, 2023

Callville Bay Boat Ramp, Lake Mead, NV

 They found a type of mesh to put in the water to keep vehicles from getting stuck in the mud at Callville Bay boat ramp.  There are pics on the NP web site but you cannot see it in the water since the water has gone up a minor amount with the recent rains. 

They do say to use at your own risk.  

The water level has gone down so much the old boat ramp goes to dirt, there is a road to the right that is the new boat ramp.  

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Callville Bay Lake Mead NV

 The Water level for Lake Mead is dropping rapidly.  They have signs on the old boat ramp telling where the water line came to in previous years.



It is hard to see, but when I took the pic for the 2008 shot I was in front of some Boat docks on the ramp, in the 2002 shot the boat docks are quite aways down the hill and barely visible.Boomer had a blast running back and forth between me and Suzi

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Palm Springs, CA

 Our California stay for the season has come to an end.  We ended up staying just shy of 2 mos total

Boomer took one last view of Palm Springs before we left.  

We enjoyed looking at the mountains for the part of our stay at Cathedral Palms RV Resort.  

Boomer had many enjoyable romps at the local Dog parks in Palm Springs. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Salton Sea and Slab City CA

 While in California we decided to drive around the Salton Sea.  On the west side of the lake there is an abandonded RV park that was advertised on the internet as free camping,

however when we got there it had no trespassing signs at the entrance so we left,

but there was a person flying around in an ultralight near the beach.

Since we were so close to it we decided to take a drive thru Slab City. 

Home of Salvation Mountain.

on a side note we have since found out that Suzi's Aunt Virginia used to be the unoffical post mistress of Slab city.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Desert Flowers

 Been enjoying the start of spring with all the desert flowers.  

Sat down for a minute and saw these interesting itty bitty tracks in the sand.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mojave wind event

 Had a wind event here yesterday,

It was fun watching the mountains out towards the Mojave Desert disappear behind the blowing sand.  While we had some time with no views of even our closest mountains, the Bus in the pic was visible all along. 
We got just enough rain to make the desert dust stick to the car and RV.