Thursday, July 28, 2022

Going To Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana

We had a moment to get away, so we decided to go for a ride to Glacier Park.  We left the RV park in Choteau shortly after noon, so we knew we should not doddle.
We drove on Highway 2 to the West entrance, of course we did doddle a bit, so we arrived at the West entrance of the Going to the Sun Road about 5pm.  (after 4pm they no longer check passes)
The only limit I saw for vehicles was 21 feet long.  The edge of the road seems much safer now, new morter on the rock blocks, and some railings added in.
There was more trees and bushes than I remember from previous years. 
(we have not driven this road since about 1995)  
I bet that helps with erosion.
Birdwoman falls is just as I remember it.
We did find ourselves spending a bit too much time at the scenic views.

Boomer enjoyed the ride.  He loves his road trips!
We did doddle too much, next we have to face the ride back to Choteau where it seems all the deer and antelope are just waiting for dusk to jump in front of traffic. 

Glad we went!

We did indeed see many deer on our way home, so it took a longer than normal to arrive. 
Before I lost all light we were treated by this group of deer who wandered across the highway just north of Dupuyer Montana on highway 89.
There were 2 Bucks, complete with velvet horns,
Accompanying a doe and her little spotted fawn.

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Priest and Rattlesnake Buttes - near Choteau MT

 Been a good summer so far, Suzi has been taking Boomer on a quick hike to Priest and Rattlesnake Buttes just outside of town each morning.

Below Boomer is standing on Rattlesnake Butte looking across to Priest Butte.
Boomer loves to survey the land from the top.
Below is looking towards Freezeout Lake.