Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sun River

Went down to the Sun River in Great Falls.  There is a thin layer of ice on the river already.

Interesting note, a while back I took Suzi to see the house 
I rented when Joe was a baby, and could not find it.  
Upon talking to locals we found out it was taken away by an ice flow.  
The house was located just on the other side of the bridge in this photo.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

cat fence update

Looks like I will need to keep a close eye on the cat fence this winter. 
This is the first snow and it was a wet snow.  
Hoping the dry snow we get mostly will be less stress on the fence.

It is holding up well,  had some wind that assisted with taking the gate and 2 over hang parts apart. 
But overall it is holding up well.  This past week it survived high winds (60mph) with no issues.  
(I did not use glue thinking it would be easier to fix if it broke in bad weather)