Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Highwood Mountains, MT

We decided to take a day trip up to the campground in the Highwood Mountains. This Hawk was sitting regally greeting us as we approached the mountains.

There were a lot of cool rock outcroppings poking up out of the earth.  
It was fun to see the change in terrain living not far from here on the high desert around Great Falls.

We were glad we did not plan on camping.  Turned out we could not get all the way to the campground due to a bridge being replaced, so the road was closed.
But close to the construction was this old forest service cabin. 

We decided to stop here for lunch.
(and a little stick playing in the creek)

I think Suzi won.

There were a lot of wild flowers in the area.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

near Vaughn, MT

Suzi wanted to hike around at the First Peoples Buffalo Jump, but when we got there there was a gate closing the area.  So we went to the North side of the park (closer to Vaughn) and Suzi followed the trail with the dogs up to the top of the bluff in the background.

When they got done with their walk, Gator and Bailey were eager to come back and tell me all about it.

They had to watch their step, the area was covered with cactus plants.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Joe and Sarah

Had a great time when Joe and Sarah came to visit this summer.  

Took them to see Giant Springs in Great Falls, MT

Joe, Sarah, Suzi with the Missouri River on the left and the Giant Springs on the right.

Giant Springs with the Missouri River in the background. 
Sarah is on the bridge.

Saw this bird with a bug while there.

For Joe's Birthday we took him to his grandparents. 
(He shares a birthday with his granma)

On the way we saw this bald eagle at Eureka Lake.

Outside of Fairfield, Montana

Happy Birthday Joe!

Saturday, July 04, 2015

4th of July pyromania

Had a great Fourth of July celebration.  Ken, Lexi, Nick and Tom came by with some fireworks.