Saturday, May 30, 2015

Benton Lake, Montana

We did not pick the best day to go see the birds up at Benton Lake.  But, with the thunder boomers building it was fun to watch the sky.

We did see a lot of different varieties of birds. Got some shots even though the light was all wrong.

First we were welcomed by this spotted sandpiper?  (please correct me if I get any of these wrong!)

Suzi especially liked the way the bird looked at us when I clicked like I would to call a cat...

Then these 2 Shovelers stopped in the middle of the road, Mom even thinking it was a great place for a nest?

Then Suzi got this shot of this Avocet.

On our way out there was this Yellow headed Black Bird as if saying goodbye.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Cat Fence

Got done with our PVC pipe cat fence.  Made a blog on how we put it all together.

several people have commented that it looks a bit like a prison.  : )
For the first week the cats would howl in protest when getting locked in the house.  ie at bedtime.  They now understand the routine and are not complaining near as much.

Funny thing about the cat area.  I put the cage Louis would sit in while I worked on the concrete while we mowed, and the cats seem to think it is a great area to sit.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Louis Cat Cage

Louis has been enjoying going out every day.  We have him positioned to view both a lot of birds in the trees, and the resident bunny that lives under the shed.

I was surprised to see the birds hanging out in Louis area while he is gone?

We are working on making a cat area so the cats can come and go from the house without us carrying them to and fro.  Natasha is not a fan of this setup and does not go out this way, only Louis.