Saturday, March 30, 2013

Marymoor Dogs/ Herons

Finally had a nice day at Marymoor Park, aka my physical therapy treadmill...
The dogs seem to like it too

The herons are back nesting for the 2nd year.  It is fun to watch them building the nests.

Monday, March 25, 2013


This owl was hanging out high in the trees behind our house one afternoon.
  We often hear the hooting in the late evening.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

dead possum / 2 eagles

We had a sad but facinating event, a possum passed away on our property the other day. We decided to let mother nature take it course... it was gone in just a few days.

With a game cam posted on a tree near by.
We were surprised by what came in. We expeced a coyote or 2, maybe a turkey vulture, but there were none. 

We were surprised by the 2 bald eagles coming in.

This is all the video shots we got strung together. (for those I emailed this to, you need to go to the blog at to view it.)

Saturday, March 02, 2013


It seems like we are seeing more swans each year. 
It is fun to see the white dots in the fields outside of town.

spring crocus

A sure sign spring is creeping in, the crocus' are especially perky this year!