Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dana's home Made Smoker

I gave Dana the rusty box in this photo. Using the existing holes, he turned it into a smoker.

Yes, that is an old propane bbq on the top.

The metal box already had the hinges on the top.
This is where he loads the wood.
Note the hole in the lid, that is where the smoke goes up like a chimny.

He matched the hole from the lid and put one in the bbq right above the lid hole

At the bottom of the metal box he added a door to an existing hole where he lights the wood.

Tada one home made smoker...  Works great! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

All my little helpers

Bailey has been especially brave lately. 
It used to be she would hide in the back room when ever I started working on a project. 
Then after she got the thundershirt I would see her peeking around the corner at me.
Today I caught her standing in the driveway looking up at the roof checking out what I was doing... 
with NO thundershirt on to boot!
What a brave girl she is turning into! 

Gator on the other hand is always close by.
She got a bit dirty helping Natasha dig up a mole.

Natasha better be careful she is about to be pounced on! 
Doesn't Louis appreciate the fact that Natasha needs to supervise the opperation!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Natasha has been doing alot of supervising on the roofing project.

I got a kick out of the dialation of Louis' eyes.

He was watching a bird in the bushes.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

This is the view I have when Suzi is out walking Gator.  
That is Natasha on the left, Louis on the right, and Bailey dog in the center.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

We enjoyed the serenade we recieved from this little bird while we worked on the carport roof.

reminder: if you want to see how the carport or deck I have links on our web page at on the right side of the page.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A friend of ours gave us one of those upsidedown tomato planters so...
We bought a cherry tomato plant, but the 1st tomatoes are a bit large.
Maybe that is because we got miracle grow dirt?
The first tomato was really sweet.  nummy

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Louis and Natasha

Just a cute shot of the cats.
 Louis on the left, and Natasha on the right.
They are watching Gator dog play.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

We saw the white tip on this fawns ear and thought it was a new adult deer...
Then we looked at the pic and realized... yeah a fawn from this year.
Looks real healthy, not like last years scraggly fawns.