Thursday, June 28, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Looks like Suzi is the only one grounded here. 
Bailey on left, Gator on right.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Dana's Ark
He calls it the SS Minow, but when he started building it there was a torential raing storm happening, so we thought maybe he knew something we didn't, and so... Dana's Ark...

Gator was happy to be helping load the boat... (Bailey was sitting on the brake pedal, she is scared of noises happening in the bed of the truck.)

It floats! It felt real stable, and used very little battery.  The ark is a whopping 7feet long!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Tripod our 3 hoofed deer (note the rear left leg is just hanging down, no paw) He decided to hang out in our back yard the oter day.  He trimmed the apple and maple trees so as to make it easier for me to mow under them. 

His horns are still little bumps, looks like the left one is longer this year...  he is 2 years old.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

I was mowing the other day and saw Natasha nose to nose with one of last years babies. I ran and got my camera, which distracted Natasha, and when she started to come to me her friend started following her... too cute!
Had a little excitement just before Memorial Day.  Suzi and Gator were playing, and when Gator went to lick Suzi on her nose Gator accidently hooked her lower fang on Suzi's nose.  It looked like a split, so we schlepped over to the urgent care It could be pulled apart and you could see it was split open all the way to the top of the cut This photo does not do it justice...
Suzi was told that since the split was located where it was that the worst part would be the needle poke to numb the nose for the stitches. Suzi said she was right... it looked extreemely painful. We were told this type of injury would not have healed together properly without stitches. She got 2 stitches.
Gator was upset all day, finally the next day she made up with Suzi. We have noticed she is more careful with her uber excited licks.
We took Suzi's stitches out, hardly a mark. The gal did a nice job stitching her up.