Friday, May 25, 2012

It was a great trip, good to see everyone, but it was nice to be headed home.

A great blue heron even said hi while we stopped breifly in Cataldo, ID.

Bailey and Gator summed up the journey quiet well...

Louis and Natasha sharing a sun spot in the camper agreed with the puppies.

Funny thing about the kitties.  We thought they would be sick of the camper after being gone a week...  We keep finding them wanting to nap in it... go figure. 

It is good to be home, but we are excited about more adventures... 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

While in Montana we swung by Great Falls, so of course we had to take a peek at Eagle Dam.

We stopped by and saw my old friend Chris, we have known eachother since 1st grade

She has lots of pets here are some she also has more fish some birds, 3 kids and 4 grandkids!

After that we went by the graveyard and saw another pheasant:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On our way back to town we saw several birds:

Including this Bald Eagle:

And a Pheasant:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The cats were entertained in addition to the squirrel by numerous birds:

Including Skip the resident Raven...  This photo does not do Skip justice...

Here Skip is enjoying a piece of buttered bread...
He is named Skip because he skip/ hopps thru the front lawn

Monday, May 21, 2012

This squirrel was quite entertaining trying to break into the "squirrel proof" bird feeder.

After falling on the ground numerous times he finally made it! 

Suzi took some great shots on her walks on my folks property.

She got this shot of a sand crane down by the pond... she how ever did not get a shot of the moose she "claims" to have seen from inside the camper... 

Louis found a great spot to hang out on the balcony inside the house.

Here Natasha is peering down on us from the balcony.  eek glad I'm not a mouse!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

We stopped by the lake on our way to my parents to wear out the puppies

Bailey is quite the pro...


Gator looks a bit worried to me, but she has only been swimming for a couple of weeks.  The first time she went into the water to fetch a ball as she grabbed the ball and turned around she went completely under the water.  I never realized how complicated a simple grab and turn in the water is... 

While in Idaho Ken and Dianne took us to Falls park.  It is one of the outlets of Lake Coeur d'Alene.

Bailey took the oportunity to show off her frisbee skills.  Dianne took this shot.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

We next stopped by Idaho to see some family.  This is Zoe 3, and Dominic 8 they are my niece's kids.

My brother showed me his weed whacker got taken over by a robin.

Complete with eggs...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We just got back from our annual trip to Montana. I will blog it over the next few days.
We started our tip at the Wild Horses Monument arriving just after sunset.
This was the day before the super moon.

In the morning Suzi and the puppies Gator and Bailey hiked up to the top for a closer look at the metal sculptures.

Bailey thought this was a wierd angle of the horses.

Gator and Bailey are looking down the hill that they came up. the small white box on the right hand side of the screen is our camper.