Monday, February 20, 2012

We took Gator and Bailey to the off leash park in Edmonds WA today.
Someone put in an agility course. Gator and Bailey had great fun running over the wood obstacle.

Of course there were the moments where Gator thought it was fun to play king of the mountain!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Samantha August 1997 to January 2012

We walked side by side
spirit with spirit
exploring our world
from the tiniest blade of grass
To awe inspiring sunsets.

We romped through the snow.
Caught snowballs
and ran glorious circle 8’s .

We ate a million blackberries and blueberries together.

I remember those hugs I gave you and you would look at me with those deep brown eyes and I knew you understood everything.

I see your sprit running right now in a large grassy field, enjoying the sun.

I miss you so much, but I also feel so fortunate you were such a big part of our lives.