Friday, December 30, 2011

We recently took Gator and Bailey to Money Creek Campground up US Hwy 2.

The campground was closed, as it always is in the off season.
The pups had a blast running thru all the puddles, and Gator found a snowball that she played with until it crumbled. It was fun watching them romp!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just an update on the old gals.

They are both doing much better since we started giving them lactated ringers. We use an 18 gage needle and just put it under the skin in her back. We call it being tanked.

They are both on Hills Rx KD formula dog food. Both wet and dry.

Also, they each have a harness that has a handle on their back to assist when necessary. The harness was created originally to assist rescue dogs over rough terrain. They work good, there are 2 straps one across the chest and the other across the belly. Plus a strap across the front under the colar. The straps are all padded. I can actually pick Ginger up by hers.

Samantha has a cancer that she is bleeding internally. Probably a tumor that started on her spleen. We did not want to put her thru surgery or anything, figured at her age it would be too much. She was falling down alot with her front legs, but since we got a handle on the fluids and food she is walking good again.

Suzi takes her on walks around the property.

It it funny to watch Suzi and Sam take their walks, Both Louis and Natasha cats follow along. Evidently Natasha talks the whole way, and shows off her climbing skills. Sam seems quite pleased with these walks.

I was going to take Samantha for a walk, but evidently I don't rate. She chose to stay near the house and watch the cats and I take the walk down the driveway and back.

Ginger is also doing better now that we have the fluids regulated. She has a different type of cancer. It is a type of Luekemia. We also discovered she had ecoli and I think the meds for that helped clear up some of the other infections she had going on.
Someone needs to explain to her that she is frail! When you go outside she lunges down the stairs, and crashes. She lunged one time and I hurt my rotor cuff by grabbing her harness. I think I got hurt because she is so low to the ground that my elbow was straight causing my shoulder to take the brunt of the pull. Due to this and the fact that I am now running the geriatric pet unit the deck is on super duper slow/ hold.

One time Ginger got hurt and could hardly walk, but still wanted to walk in circles while I got her food out. I started attaching her to the coffee table at dinner time to give her a chance to heal. This is working, she is barely limping today. She does get tired quick. But seems to enjoy food and dog bones still.

She has been fighting chronic dairrhea so I trimmed her rear to help with cleaning up easier. I got a bit carried away, and oopsed. Now she looks like a lioness. FYI I do not recommend doggie diapers on a dog with dairrhea, it is more messy than just cleaning the floor...

She also is getting what she considers a special treat: Peppermint flavored Kaopectate mmmmmm nummy!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I got a weather station for christmas. I have it hooked to my computer and have figured out how to post it on the blog. It will be on the right side of this blog. If you click on the weather area it will open a new window showing more details from the station in our yard. Having fun...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Just a slide show of Joe and Carisha's kids (pets) this past year.

note it is a video, so if you got this via email go to

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Louis cat brought another live bird into the house. The little bird found a hiding place on a shelf under our wii board. The video is the bird being released.

For those on email alerts, go to the blog to see the video

Monday, December 05, 2011

Saw this fisher king at Marymoore.
Suprisingly, I don't know that I have ever seen one there before.
We are running quiet the geriatric dog unit now.

Samantha is sick now also. Her labs say she is anemic, bad liver, bad kidneys, and bad pancreas... she was staggering and falling on her face all of a sudden. She is much better now, but we still have to carry her up the stairs, but at least she waits at the bottom of the stairs for us to come help.

Ginger on the other hand will attempt the stairs if we are not right there, some times she makes it, sometimes she gets stuck on the stairs, and sometimes she flips over and tumbles back down the stairs eek. Ginger has a harness so we can grab the handle on her back to assist her. Ginger is still hanging in, good moments/ bad moments. found out she has e-coli now in addition to the cancer. Her immune system is messed up aslo, but I still cannot keep up with her!

They are both on lactated ringers 2x per day. and pills.

Gator, Bailey, Natasha, and Louis are all doing well.