Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Been getting daily strawberries lately. Gator likes them, but when I gave her a green one, she thought it was just a play toy and spent along time tossing it thru the air.
This is how she carried it around:

Meanwhile, Ginger had the right idea:

Saturday, July 02, 2011

This is Harlo, she is a rottweiler that is visiting next door.

Gator and Bailey really like it when she comes to visit. Yes, Bailey is licking her in the face, somewhere along the way she decided this was the appropriate way to greet new dogs... it is amazing that none of the dogs she has greeted this way seem to mind much. And she does geet alot of dogs frequenting the off leash dog parks and all.

Anyway, Harlo is actually Gator's bliss, check out the video of them running below.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Just Sammy looking real cute after getting her nails trimmed.
The dogs were ready to go find a spot to run. We saw potential camp sites along the way. So we headed back down the road.

We found an area where it looked like it was 3-4 campsites, but was empty, so we pulled in.
I was getting level when a couple and their 2 dogs showed up. They had parked where they cannot be seen from the road, and wanted to make sure we did not block their way out. Gator had a blast playing chase with the 3 year old dogs. Ok, Bailey had fun too, but it was Gator's bliss.

We woke up early, (just after 5 am) and Suzi opened the curtains to be greeted by a 2 point buck by the back door. It was cold so I took a look at the temp. 32F... brrrrr... glad we were not tent camping! We decided to head out. The light was just starting to hit the high mountains when we left. We saw no traffic all the way down, but we did see numerous deer along the way.