Monday, May 30, 2011

We took our annual trip to Montana due to the snow pack in the mountains we first stopped at Wild Horses Monument, Vantage, WA

The puppies had alot of pent up energy to burn off, so we played a little frisbee:

and some Gator ball:

Ginger was happy just wondering and sniffing.

There were very few spring flowers.

Monday, May 23, 2011

We decided we are tired of the cats bringing in live birds, so we got rid of the bird feeder, and got this spinner to go into it's place.

hmmm even the birds like it:

Be careful little birdie!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Natasha was posing on top of the old maple stump in the backyard.

Then she decided to pose in the window in the living room for a great silhouette shot.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Got this shot of a duck swimming by at Marymoor Park.

Caught snacking on the way by.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This is what Bailey often looks like before bed at night. Often both her and Gator get muddy playing fetch etc. It has been a wet spring.

But this is what I wake up to... All Clean!

It sure is a nice feature having self cleaning dogs. These 2 actually bath like cats.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Samantha was going thru her spring time molting, so I took her to the doggie spa.
One place wanted to shave her, but another said sometimes the hair does not come back in and the result is bald spots. They thought they could get out all the matted hair, so...

For comparison, Remember this recent shot of Samantha looking quite regal:

She looks like she lost weight. I did not realize how skinny she really is. One lady at the dog park thought I got another new dog...eek

The princess of the ball:

Monday, May 02, 2011