Friday, January 28, 2011

I was noticing this doe looks like it has been injured on it's rear end.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eagles: We went for a short drive down Ben Howard road today and came across these 3 eagles in a tree.

We were pondering the 2 on the left are bald eagles.

The one on the right had a dark head, so we think it is a young one, but it is larger than the other 2. We checked with a knowlegeable source and this is common due to the extra body fat of the young one... (makes more sence than a gold eagle in the same tree as 2 bald eagles :))

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I was taking Shandi home to Bellingham this past weekend and we came across these swans near Burlington.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mt. Baker:

This shot was taken from the walk bridge over I-405 in Kirkland a couple of days ago.
Our snow is all gone now that the warm rain has been pounding us.

The deer on the left is one of the babies from this year.

Bear had his head on Joe's shoulder the whole 1 hour ride...