Saturday, May 29, 2010

Banks Lake near Grand Coulee in Eastern Washington was our last stop on the way home.
Yet another chance for Bailey to take a dip… If you can’t find Bailey, look at where Gator is looking, she is on the ready to help Bailey upon her return… Ginger and Samantha took the opportunity to do some serious sniffing.

Friday, May 28, 2010

We stopped by Eureka Lake going both directions.
Samantha was content hanging out by the camper… food??

Bailey enjoyed the cool mountain water… brrrrr

Ginger even enjoyed a bit of a dip.

Gator was highly interested in the boat racing by.

Of course when Gator was not sidetracked by the boat, she was prepared to assist Bailey upon her return from the cold waters…

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Montana wild life

This bunny lives under the deck.

Saw this buck outside of Choteau Montana.
I was surprised to see the horns.

Since the buck laying in the yard here has no horn growth yet.

Same buck: see no horn growth.

This is a doe named girl.

This little finch was being cute at the water dish.

The Squirrel was quiet the ham, posing for his photo’s

The humming birds were very active. (I am waiting for a bear report since they are attracted to humming bird feeders…)

I even got a couple of shots mid flight…

Speaking of bears, there were fresh bear claw marks on the trash bin when we arrived… or was this the real culprit??

Of course the trip would not be complete without a shot of Ear Mountain.
We decided to take the whole family. At first we were only going to bring the dogs, but the cats got excited about the camper… so…

Louis was fascinated at Natasha’s new spot on top of the microwave.

It did seem cramped at times for the puppies Gator (bottom) and Bailey (top)

Ginger and Samantha, having seniority had plenty of space.

Louis found a great hiding spot under the freezer.

Natasha preferred the sunny spot.

The kitties found the balcony a hit.

Natasha decided she preferred to ride in the cab. It reminded us of our 1 year trip with Buger cat.

Monday, May 24, 2010

We recently took a trip back to Montana. We started out at Keechelus Lake. The lake was low enough this year. (last year the road was flooded)
It was our first 'real' trip with the camper on the new truck.

The dogs enjoyed the short stop.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Spring might be here finally?? These neat looking birds are new comers to the feeder.

Spring might be here finally??
The other day the local weather guy said it was a nice day for November... yeah, cold, wet, and windy... the sun today is a nice change!