Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Little Bailey had a problem with her Spaying.
Turns out she has a rare allergy to the disolveable stitches.

She got a shot of steriods to stop the problem. It was casusing the stitches to disolve faster than normal which worried the vet. She also has some antibiotic pills to take which she likes with wet kitty food.

She is doing better now, and healing nicely.
On Floor: Gator and Ginger
On Couch: Bailey
Bailey loves his cat Louis. It turns out Louis likes Bailey too. He likes to grab Bailey and not let her leave...
Gator is trying to re-assure her Bailey puppy.
This is Lolita, Joe and Carisha's newest pet.

She fits in the palm of your hand now, but she is supposed to get to the size of Joe's forearm.