Thursday, July 30, 2009

We went camping at Penrose State Park near Gig Harbor WA.

We met Suzi’s parents at the campground.

Though there were lots of people, we were able to find a spot to let the pups run on the beach for a moment.

Saw this Heron while on the beach.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saw this Buck over by the RV pad today.

I have not see a buck for several months.
Today was special, Louis brought in a live snake!

ok, I have never had outdoor cats before... Louis and Natasha have been bringing moles, squirrels, mice, well you get the idea… sometimes live, mostly dead. I am not sure what to do… I used to have the same problem with Samantha. I guess they are trying to take care of us… Oh by the way, the cats are eating more cat food now, I guess they don’t eat what they catch!?!?!
We took a quick trip to Montana to introduce the puppies to everyone.
Our first stop was Keechelus Lake on Snoqualmie pass. The water has gone down quite a bit, but we still cannot access our normal camping spot.
You can see the island on the left side of the photo. That is where the boat ramp normally is.

The dogs got to stop by the field in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

We got them all tired out for their visit.

Caron made sure to teach the puppies lots of bad habits. Here Gator is enjoying eating at the kitchen table!

For some reason Gator thinks if I kneel down it means that she is supposed to run thru me, not up to me… I was cleaning up after a pup, and Gator knocked me over. Suzi would not help me up until I gave her the camera…

We were shooting a bb gun, this barrel was our target… We did not realize the chipmunks had made it a nest until they started piling out of the barrel…
All the chipmunks are fine…

This robin was cute taking it’s bath…

Then a bunch of wood peckers decided to drop by.

On the way home we stopped for lunch near the Idaho Montana Border.

On the way home we decided to head for Banks Lake. It was real windy, and we ended up going really slow, occasionally having low visibility due to blowing dirt. We were glad we had a camper and not a trailer. When we got to Banks Lake we dropped all 4 jacks and that made us nice and stable in the wind. Poor Sammy, it was quite the thunder storm.

Ginger and Gator were adorable in the morning.

Gator and Bailey did a little fetch in the lake, we got so excited we forgot to take pics of them in the water...

They look like they had fun! All 4 dogs are good travelers! Yeah!!!

Friday, July 03, 2009

This is Joe's dog Bear, and Bailey.

The puppies always race over to the gate so they can go see Bear when we arrive. Bear gets really excited to see them too!
Puppies are getting HUGE!!!

Last week Gator weighed in at 20 lbs, and Bailey at 22 lbs.
This week Gator is up to 25.3 lbs, and Bailey 26 lbs. Gator is catching up!

(Above: Bailey Below: Gator)
The Fawn and her mom are still around, but are more illusive than past years. But then we have had more coyote action this year than past years too...
The Cat on the portch is IttiBitti. Louis' Mom.
(Natasha is by the bumper of the car)

According to the neighbor we got the cats from Natasha and IttiBitti have the same Mom, but are from different litters.

We were struck by how similar these 2 are in looks and movement.