Sunday, January 18, 2009

Remember we decided to sell our old camper... Well, we gave up for a bit due to the weather. Today was the first sunny nice day we have had for over a month, and 3 people called. One took it! yippee!! :) He didn't even try to talk me down on price. So we got more for it than we bought it for.
He did say that it was alot nicer than what he had been looking at.
I barely got this shot of him leaving down the driveway.
The kitties are finally enjoying their holiday gift of a new bird feeder.

The birds seem to be enjoying it also.
Ok, things are finally getting back to normal. Suzi had a good commute both Thurs and Fri. and I managed to take the majority of our deck roof to the dump.

They even opened the road to Sultan where there was a mud slide. It is only 1 lane traffic, but they have this fancy traffic light.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Ok, if it wasn't for the weather, I would have nothing to say...
I was in Monroe, so I thought I would take a peek at the Skykomish River. The news said mild to moderate flooding. Not nearly as bad as the rivers both to the north and south of us. I have seen our yard with more water just last year.

First I stopped by the Library to see if there was anything down the ravine. There was more than I expected.

Then I stopped by the road to the new off leash doggie park in Monroe.
The doggie park is on the other side of the building in the distance.

After seeing all this I was curious so I went by the Lewis street park which is on Hwy 203 to Duvall. (which is closed before you get to Duvall).
The trial here goes down to a nice grassy park and some winding trails connecting into Al Borlin Park. This is Woods Creek, with the Skykomish river in the background.

I thought I was done, but had to stop by the Monroe Motel when I noticed the water in Woods Creek jumped the levy.

Shortly after we moved here they had replaced the bridge over the creek here.
Thank goodness, I doubt we could have gotten to town with the old bridge. Doesn't look like a nice meandering creek now does it!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sunday night we got at least 4 more inches of snow. Then it started to melt.
This was Monday.

It has been a roasting 50F, It is even melting in the mountains now... lots of road closures etc from all the flooding.
Yesterday we could not see this fence behind the snow.

Friday, January 02, 2009

These ducks have been hanging around for more than a week now...

Last week I got our little garden tractor back out to plow the driveway. Kind of missed driving the car...

I thought it would only be a day or two longer before we could drive the car, but looks like it was a good thing I plowed when I did. This is what it looks like today. I cannot plow the stuff I left cause it is solid ice now.

Next week it is supposed to get up to 50F though...