Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Brrr it has been cold here! This morning it is 14F here, 18F in Seattle. Frosty mornings since the start of December. Not usual around here...
But the dogs still like a good romp at Marrymoor Park.

Bailey just LOVES fetch! Gator escorts her back with the ball often. (I noticed that the end of Bailey's leather collar is chewed off... hmmm)
The puppies got to see the off leash doggie area in Edmonds, WA recently. Bailey was excited about the water.

Gator just waited for her dog to come in so she could escort her back to us...

We had not been to the park in a long time, and it looks alot different without the pipeline there. Looks alot better.
I found this old shot taken in April 2006.

This is what it looks like now...

By the way, Ginger and Samantha had a good time also, but they just chose to sniff bushes and mark their territory... Not great weather for wading in the water... brrr cold. Actually when we noticed Bailey shivering we made her stop under protest and got her in the warm car... She slept better than any of the others...

Monday, December 07, 2009

Natasha and Loius want some billing... They have been cute lately also!
We measured the dogs at the front shoulder from the floor to the top of each of their backs...

Ginger: 20 inches

Samantha: 21 inches

Gator: 22 inches

Bailey: 23 inches

I don't have a scale, so we will have to wait till next year when they get their next shots for the weights...
We are still taking all 4 dogs places in the Prius.

Someone told me that it was like watching the clown car where one after another clown exits the car and you wonder how they all fit...


Gator rides primarily in the trunk...

Samantha spends most of her car time on the floor, she always has... giving Ginger and Bailey the whole back seat.

Here is a better view of Samantha on the floor... you can see how tiny she really is... She is all fur...

Of course there are those times that Little Bailey gets squished between Samantha and Ginger...

Here is a shot of what our car looks like when we come out of the store.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saw this Bald Eagle sitting in a tree in the back yard today...
The puppies were working on digging their way to the other side of the world...

This is the aftermath...

(Gator is on the left and Bailey is on the right in both shots)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

We realized we had a sleep theme in our recent photo’s:
The deer were relaxing in the yard before the recent storm.

I had never seen a deer lay down on it’s side like this before. Normally when I see them, they are curled up.

Bailey loves her cow.

Gator loves her Bailey:

Ginger and Bailey were keeping each other warm in the camper that frosty night. (That is Suzi’s legs under the blanket that they are laying on.)

But at home Ginger was sharing her doggie bed with Gator.

Sam and Bailey nap together:

Kim even got into the act with Gator:

Louis and Gator were on the couch together:

But best of all… Bailey got to actually use Louis as a pillow:
I have been asked lately how large are the puppies getting. Well, these shots were taken last month when the puppies were ~6 mos old. (they turned 7 mos this week)

Above: Ginger, Bailey, Gator.
Below: Bailey, Samantha, Gator, Ginger.
We had a wind event a couple of days ago. Not much damage, just small branches, and the neighbor had a few small trees get topped off into our yard and a lot of pine needles and leaves to clean up.
Power was only out for about an hour.
It was kind of fun watching the Cottonwood tree at the end of the driveway wave in the wind.

The last thing we did on vacation was we went and had sushi with Joe and Carisha, then we spent one last night in the mountains up on Snoqualmie Pass.

We had gotten so used to warm camping we did not bother with the heater when we went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and it was 48F inside the camper. Poor little Gator was all curled up by herself looking quite frigid. Normally I get tail wags when ever I move, but not this time. I turned on the furnace, and little Gator was flopping her tail in no time at all.
The frost was beautiful in the morning!

It is amazing how much the water level has gone down on the lake since last spring.

Of course we had to do a little fetch before heading home...
Cape Disappointment
After checking in on the kitties we headed for the ocean. We met Ken and Becky at Cape Disappointment in SW Washington.
The dogs were really excited to be at the beach!

Ginger enjoyed climbing on the rocks.

I was mentioning to Suzi on the way to the beach that it would be nice to find something Gator likes to do, since Bailey loves to fetch, but not Gator, she gets bored and eats rocks eek…well, Gator found 2 dead seal pups buried in the beach sand. Folks on the beach thought we should train Gator to be a cadaver finder… hmm sounds depressing, I think I’ll keep looking for her bliss… On a side note, she does like to fetch apples that have fallen from the apple tree…

It was fun watching a guy with a wake board and a giant kite. He would surf in the waves from up by the cliff towards the Columbia River, then he would get out of the water and haul it all back up the beach. Looked like great exercise. We were surprised at how long he spent going back and forth.

There also was a guy fishing. He would reel it in while the wake boarder went by.

It was a nice sunset.

This was our campsite