Sunday, July 27, 2008

Took the dogs for a little stroll in Monroe and saw these deer across the river.
Found this little frog in the neighbors garden.
It was sooo cut the way it found a little hole to perch in.

There were also a bunch of these teal bugs in the garden.
Suzi had a great idea, put the chair by the door. The kitties seem to really like it, and Natasha doesn't climb the screen when I remember to put the chair out.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We have some wood to split better, and put in the shed...
I found a nest in the wood shed.

Looks like as good an excuse as any to procrastinate on putting the wood away!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Deer had twins again this year. Caught them getting a bit of a snack.
The Calla Lily is really happy this year!
Poor Sammy, she REALLY was not impressed with all the fireworks on the 4th of July!
Caught the deer resting in our backyard. That is how much the grass grew while we were gone for 2 weeks.
The rhododendrons were in full bloom, when we got back from Montana...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

We stopped by the Cataldo Mission in Idaho.
We stopped at the same campsite we discovered on the way. Ginger is watching Suzi get our lunch together.
Saw this moose on the side of the road near Lincoln, MT.

Got a kick out of seeing Natasha when I came out of the store.
The view looking back at the Rocky Mountains looked neat when we left.
The of prairie of Montana is littered with missile sites like this one.
When we left, we saw this small funnel cloud.
We were glad it was so small, it was plenty exciting enough at this size.
Saw a variety of birds.

Louis liked the variety of animals to watch!