Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Saw this Sandcrane in Montana.
We brought the rain from Seattle with us, and then some! It rained ALL week! course when we packed, we left the rain gear at home, after all we were headed to Montana, the rain is normally short lived. After a 20 year drought they got over 8inches while we were there.

The bridge approach started to wash away.

So they closed the main road to town. (thankfully there is another less desireable road out)
We spent a week in MT. Natasha liked all the high places to explore.

Louis liked looking out the window at the animals.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Goat Lic
At the southern most point of Glacier National Park there is an area of cliffs that the goats like to lic. We have been lucky in seeing them in the past, but have never seen them this close.

Watching Goats is tiring work!

We found a campsite near St Regis, MT along the Clark River.

Then we traveled North along Flathead Lake.

Trip to Montana.

We started out by stopping by Snoqualmie Falls. There was a flood watch when we left.

Then we camped up on Snoqualmie Pass.

Where the ice ends in the lake on the far right is where we normally park... bit wet that day.

The kitties seemed to settle in well.