Where The Wind Takes Us:
One Doggie Field After Another!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
There was a luner eclipse tonight. This is not the best shot, but we were at the Costco in Woodinville and the lights were bright. The moon actually looked like a perfectly browned marshmellow over a campfire... hmmm, I guess I have camping on the brain...
Bear (Joe and Carisha's dog) had never been to Marymoor doggie park, so we all took a him there today. In the pic below, he is the pup in the bushes on the left. Ginger and Samantha had fun showing him around.
Monday, February 18, 2008
It was a relaxing nice day today for all. The momma and her 2 fawns spent the afternoon grazing, and are all now bedded down on the barn pad.
Ginger thought it was a great day to nap, with the help of her kitties!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Looks like the Great Blue Herons are back nesting again this year. This is at the Kenmore park and ride.
The girls were patient while we watched the Herons.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Great sunrise today. Woke up to the power out this morning, it was time to exercise the generator so it worked out well.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Birds were going crazy today, Loius and Natasha sure liked it!