Thursday, September 27, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

We were missing the sun, so we took a quick trip over the mts to Leavenworth. It was fun to see all the fall colors coming out going over the pass.

It was so much fun, it brought out our silly side!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Louis is showing off how to use his Dora the Explorer toddler seat. I am thinking he is doing he a great job of training ME! In the morning if I am not there, he meows till I show up, then he does his thing. If he hears me in that bathroom, he comes running so he can do his thing while I am there. He really likes getting his stuff scooped up right away...

I think if it was just Loius we would be along further by now, but Natasha thinks the floor should be used every time we reudce the litter... When they got fixed, little Natasha was a bit wobbly, so we put the litter box on the floor next to the toilet. It was funny to watch them attempt to use it by standing on the rim of the box....

Friday, September 14, 2007

We took the kitties down and had them fixed. We were unsure of the exact birthdays for them so we did not want to take any chances! The first day or so Little Natasha wanted to play with her incision so she got to wear a little cone.
Loius has acted depressed, I think he misses Natasha's attacks, She is getting back to normal today though, I watched as he would be attemting to get out of the way of roomba, and she would jump on him flipping him over, leaving him to scramble before getting grazed by the vacuum! He seems happier now.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

We were taking a quick trip to town, but it was hard just getting out of our driveway today. The twins were here, and we got a show of them nursing. What a treat...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Little Natasha has figured out how to get on the top of the work out equipment.

**new pic**

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

They may be getting bigger, but they are just as active!
(Natasha is on top, Louis is on the bottom)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

This morning's sunrise made me think our our little spot in Florida. (hard to believe that it has already been 2 years!